Santa Claus gets a bad wrap in Christian circles nowadays. Some say he represents all of the materialistic, egocentric issues involved with Christmas losing its true meaning.
Some have even gone as far as to assume Santa is from the Devil. They contrive the compelling argument that if you re-arrange the letters in “Santa” it can spell “Satan”. So apparently this truth is only applicable for those of us who speak the English language.
I grew up in a home that celebrated Santa Claus.
And I personally have no regrets.
As a child my whole world centered around believing in Santa in order to receive gifts.
Of course as a youngster in my single digits this looked a lot like coloring books and action figures.
I can remember the adrenaline pumping through my little body on Christmas Eve as I try and sleep on the floor next to my older sister pretending to fall asleep.
Trying to imagine what the next morning would look like, be like, feel like…
Nothing could ruin this for me.
It taught me how to have faith. It taught me how to believe in something.
Not so I can be good for goodness sake
or to be on the nice list as apposed to the naughty.
It taught me to believe and desire and trust in something.
It taught me how to have hope.
Which would be used as the vehicle for me to later receive the greatest gift of all.
To know the one who created me.
Jesus is the Hope of the World.
What does this mean to us?
2 Things:
First of all it means God is like us. Immanuel means “God with us” he became one of us so that no one can say you don’t understand – you don’t know what it’s like to be homeless, abused, rejected, ect. In a world filled with such pain I couldn’t imagine following a God who was immune to it.
Second thing is God is unlike us. Tempted? Yes. Sin? No. He can say “I can get you around this, I actually avoided this one myself. He doesn’t sin, but died for your sin, forgave you of your sin, and picked you up out of the mess you were in, and cleansed you and changed you so you never have to go back.
God Changes people.
And sometimes he uses us to do it.
We do this not to be acceptable in God’s sight
but because of Jesus we already are.
Do you celebrate Jesus because you feel like it’s what you’re supposed to do?
Do you see Jesus as the hope of the world or just the right thing to do?
When was the last time you waited, anticipated, tried to imagine what heaven (being in God’s presence) would be like?
No more tears, pain, or sorrow…
When was the last time you saw Jesus as the hope of the world?
So when you pray before a meal or sing songs of praise to Jesus…
Know this isn’t just what you’re supposed to do or the right thing to do,
But this is the hope of the world.
Because God loves you more than anything.
This is what the Spirit of Christmas is all about.