Different is better than better.
It’s good to be better, but it’s better to be different.
Working hard to become better is working harder not smarter.
Don’t change who you are, become more of who you are.
There may be things you’ll never be good at, talents you’ll never have. Instead of investing energy in trying to acquire them invest it in what you are good at and the talents you do have to make them stronger.
Sometimes in marketing class professors will give the students a list of well-known brands and assign the students to write down next to the brand one word that describes that brand to them.
If you can summarize in one word exactly what makes a brand different, it makes it really easy to summarize in the consumer world.
The same is true not only for brands but for people.
People like you.
What is a High Performer?
· High performers stand out from average performers in the organization.
· They consistently exceed expectations, and are “go-to” people
How do High Performers Add Value?
· They are admired for their noteworthy ability to contribute with a specific benefit. (i.e. incredible attention to detail or great vision/big picture ideas)
· They over deliver on this ONE specialty.
What is it that Top Performers Do Differently?
· They focus exclusively on their highest advantage.
In the chart below Sally Hogshead (NY Times Bestselling Author of Fascinate and How the World Sees You) outlines the different personal brand archetypes by primary and secondary advantages. For $55 you can take a test revealing your primary and secondary personality advantages to find out where you land on the map.
Or if you’re like me… just guess.